Baggie Trousers

By SkaBaggie

The Shoot

Today was my first ever commercial shoot, complete with model and specified assignments. Essentially, it ended up being three hours of traipsing around in the stifling humidity loaded down with all manner of props and equipment, but Andrea (pictured) was fantastic to work with, generating plenty of ideas to keep the ball rolling and generally making the whole strange process of photographing a total stranger quite an enjoyable learning curve.

At the end of the day's travails, we rewarded ourselves with a pint in the champagne lounge at the Mailbox, swapping tales of our respective pasts in the pub trade, talking the perils of Putin (Andrea's Lithuanian family getting somewhat alarmed at the constant sabre-rattling from Moscow), and discussing how she can pass her Economics module at university (I delicately pointed out that being a socialist, my knowledge of economics wouldn't help a toddler count to ten). If all photography work is this enjoyable, I may be tempted to forge a future in it yet.

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