Journal of an Earthling

By SJSayer

The Duck Race.

We got to see the Calne Duck Race for the first time after living here nearly 11 years. Timings were all wonky so we only got to see the end of it purely by fluke.
Duck No 37 didn't win .....we are not sure who did. ...but we can safely say the Costa Coffee duck was MIA and Dominoes Pizza Duck was making its own nest with some twigs.

Did some plant salvaging in the garden far saving some wild garlic and Lily of the valley. Tomorrow will be thyme and peonies.
Our next door neighbour wants all our old timber and bricks so slowly but surely getting the space cleared.

Then there was a long overdue catch up with my Life Coaching buddie Bridie. Got a signed dedicated book from her ( she has published 2 poetry books) and beautiful bunch of flowers. Lots of tea and chatting... and suggestions for my focus of efforts for my next chapter ahead.

Now chilling and enjoying the gorgeous evening sun.
What a wonderful day!

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