Collected the car in the morning. Late to get going as I had lots of work queries to deal with. Never had so many changes and additions in one week - had to be the week we go away!

Very windy today so we decided to do some exploring rather than planning to spend time on the beach. We went to the highest point on the island for some amazing views right across to the north coast of the island, which is where we were headed.

From there we went to Cape de Cavalleria, the most Northern point of the island. the seas were wild up there. I overdid the stressy Mum 'stay away from the cliff edge bit' and Tobes refused to walk within 20m of the edge! It was too windy to hang about there for long, but it was good to see a different part of the island - much wilder and more remote feeling - a totally different landscape to the South coast.

We also went off to see the lighthouse at Cap de Favaritx as Toby has a bit of a thing for lighthouses. A very nice lighthouse it was too - black stripy one. More crashy wild seas up there - Mike stopped the car so I could take a few piccies and a freakily strong gust of wind blew the car door shut just as I was bending down to get in the car so I got a massive whack on the head. Felt like my head had been put in vice. massive bruise and lump :0(

Headed home via Mao and stopped in Es Castell a suburb we saw from the boat on Monday. We sat in a gorgeous bar near the harbour in the sunshine and shared the most massive piece of chocolate cheescake with Tobes and Eva, which set them up for the rest of the evening ( not that Eva needs help with that - she's like the duracell bunny!) They are getting later and later to bed every night. Bought some supplies at a big supermarket on the outskirts of town so we can avoid fast food tonight!

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