
By Chambertin

Well! It's time for ...

... German Maibowle / Woodruff Punch.

Many people prefer to welcome the merry month of May with a traditional May wine.

... However, a woodruff sorbet is not to be despised, since it flies in preparation for this, but two can with one stone ...

1. May wine, also called sweet woodruff punch.
Imagine a really beautiful Maibowle ago (as early as cancer, etc. still no question was: homemade).
Large fridge friendly container with 2/3 German white wine refill.
Plenty of fresh, lightly dried, not dried, woodruff and sugar each (to taste) add according to taste and take several hours in the refrigerator.
Woodruff remove and discard.
The remaining third to replenish severely chilled champagne (bottled water goes, but tastes bland).
The use of wine and sparkling wine should be of the sweet variety, then you need less sugar. My RECOMMENDATION: The wines from the Nahe or Rheinhessen and the cult of MM or Kupferberg Gold.

Voilà: Now you can enjoy the beautiful May punch once.

If then something of the punch will be left, so use this residue to produce a sorbet.

2. Woodruff sorbet
Icemaker in the freezer / freezer cool very well.
May wine with remaining sugar syrup (sugar and powdered sugar is also normal / 100g to 1 liter) and a small splash of Zitronen-/Limettensaft mix well (use a blender).
This mass is now cooled by very good (about 3 hours) and then processed into the cooled ice machine.
The sorbet should now be suspended for a further 3 hours in the deep freezer.
If no ice machine are available: The sorbet mass for about 20 - 30 minutes put in the freezer and then by beating with a whisk until a creamy consistency is hard to exist.

3. Serve
For dessert, pure, but you can also spoon the sorbet in between times.
Should serve as a refreshing sherbet, sorbet give the balls in a champagne glass and top with some well-chilled champagne.

4. Alternatives for the preparation
Instead of wine or sparkling wine / mineral water of the Italy-Fan the sorbet course can also produce sparkling wine Prosecco and Spumante.


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