
By fotoday


A nice leisurely Sunday. The morning chilling out in our downtown apartment before going to watch Dan play for the Strikers in the Queensland NPL. It is a strange situation where they played the Malaysian International u23 squad who have entered the league to get more competitive games to improve their football.

Dan has been moved into a holding midfield role from Centre half a position a few previous Manager's have asked him to play as well. The match report gave Dan MoM and they ran out 3-0 winners.

This evening we went to the restaurant Lotty is waitressing in and it was superb with all courses coming from her recommendation. The boss made it all the sweeter by halving the bill !! Top class place.

This evening blip is my favourite bar (ever), Riverside, front left, overlooking Storey Bridge The bridge is lit a different colour each evening. Brisbane came with mixed reviews but I have found it to be one of the best cities I've had the pleasure to visit. Tomorrow is another new city for us, Sydney, Dan will join us on Tuesday for a couple of days.

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