
By bivbov

Lily of the valley

I was presented with these little lovelies from Nanna's garden. I think she gave her permission....!
Not only do they look beautiful, they smell delightful too. It took me several attempts to get a picture that did them justice.

I'm pleased to have a blip of something that grows outdoors. I went out on a lonesome run this morning, 10 miles, but didn't take my camera. I missed out on some great blip opportunities. To avoid the heat, I went out fairly early and ran in woodland. I had a lovely run across West Wickham Common to Keston Ponds, on through woodland towards Downe, and over the fields to Leaves Green (passing the end of the Biggin Hill Airport runway!). I came back via footpaths and more Woodland (Well Wood and Sparrow's Den).......probably 80% off road. Not bad for the outskirts of London!!

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