Memory box

By benseven

Welcome to 2010...

See Larger.

So, my first 'Blip' in my daily postings - three days off with Gastroenteritis meaning I couldn't go to our friend's wedding in Comrie, Perthshire, and also meaning infinitely more time was spent in bathrooms than playing with my camera - so no posts for three days.

I'd been toying with the idea of doing a 365 this year on Flickr but I honestly don't think I would make it through. Blip will keep me going for now (and doesn't judge me if I miss a few, right?).

Still, I'm back, and here's a cracker I'm hoping to print up nice and put on our wall, just as soon as I suss out getting one of my buddies to sneak me into the art college to use a plotter.

Happy 2010.

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