Wild Blue Yonder

Rain in the morning but the Norwegian forecasters (yr.no - very good) had promised this would be followed by grey dryness - good news as we had a blipmeet fixed. Various blippers called off due to toothaches, flying to Majorca and a film festival - high quality excuses- but MIPlaice and Bat turned up and we had a great time. The sun actually blazed and fuelled by scones and cherry tart we headed off to Dooneen. The colours were amazing, the clouds complicated, the wild flowers abundant and the sheer space staggering. We clambered over rocks, sniffed wild mint in tiny streams, gazed down into the rumbling cores of blowholes, admired glossy cows, watched two choughs wheeling noisily high above and wend our way through small clusters of buildings, washing blowing on the lines. We might even has a spot of sunburn.

And son#2 has just hit 365 blips - do pop and say hello.

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