Back Garden Tulip

We were supposed to go for our first bike ride of the year today, but we both got a bit carried away in the garden! Just as well I took a few piccys of Tulips then!

Mr W is still busy painting and erecting fence panels and posts. Hes insisting of having 3 coats of preservative on everything and following the guidelines of 3 hours between coats so its taking AGES!!! He is also trying to erect posts on top of the white wall. The white wall that's not straight and fence posts are!!! Its a long tricky job but its going to look great when it done.

I emptied an old Oak barrel and replaced it with the freshly preserved one, strung the Grape vine back up on to the one and only erected fence panel and lay on the lawn in the sunshine for a while as suggested by Farming Gemma but all I could hear was a drill and natterbox neighbours talking about Pickled onions! It was still quite relaxing th.

So heres a Tulip and the back of the house and a muted image of Mr W hard at work on his fence post!


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