All you need is love

By pascolicious

Kevin and I finally got cable and internet today. We went to Target and bought a few new things including a shower caddy and a shower curtain! FINALLY! I was so excited! We then went to Petco because I wanted to see if I could find boots for Sally. Her feet get really cold on walks but more importantly, the salt can get between her toes and really hurt her. It's happened before so I thought I'd find some boots for her. But, they were too expensive so they'll have to wait.

We walked around the store (I'm pretty sure it was a new store). We wandered around and walked by the rats (ewww). I snapped a picture because they were all looking at us!

Had Chili's for dinner. YUM. Now I'm home.. put up the shower caddy and new curtain. Took pictures of the apartment now that we're almost done unpacking and making it feel more like home. Ah, it feels good to relax and just sit on the couch with my computer.

one year ago: leaving athens.

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