
By AlfeeTee

Peter and Peggy

This morning I hobbled over to see Peter who lives on the caravan park for the 9 months of the year it's open, with his dog Peggy. For the last five years during the winter closed season he gets his van towed to a barn on a nearby farm. Prior to that, man and dog would spend three months sleeping in his car.
Peter loves his dog. He always has a corgi from the same breeding stock in Wales and always calls her Peggy, "because its easier, you know." He says in his soft Norfolk lilt. This is number three, the other two are buried (or not) down near our vans.
Peter has just very matter of factly told me he has prostate cancer. He isn't bothered about himself, "we all gotta die sometime ain't we," but he is worried for little 9 month old Peggy and what will happen to her.
Puts my back pain into perspective...

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