If You Could See Me Now


Good things come to those who blip late...

Here is a prime example!

If it wasn't so late I would have written a whole ton about my new years resolutions etc.

But i'm still getting over being sick.

It's my friend Nat's birthday tomorrow - and I plan to start my offical New Year then - when i'm not sick, hopefully.

It's going to be a hot night, the windows are all open and the clouds are slowly fading from their red hues to dull greys, highlighted by the setting sun.

Finally we get summer - and it's wonderful.

I am a summer person.

I can feel the sun soaking into my skin, into my soul, making everything brighter and lifting me up.

The breeze is welcomed and it's comforting, like there is someone - tall, dark, handsome - with their arms around me, keeping me safe from all that scares me.

Ah, summer.

Welcome back.

I have missed you!

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