
By socal1984

A well earned burrito

Kids up early again. Fixed the breakfast before embarking on a wildlife trail - making them identify 10 animals/birds whilst walking the dog to keep them amused. Finished at the park and the obligatory session on swings.

Came home and skyped mum. The youngest was zonked out for the next 2.5 hours whilst the eldest was bored so took her for 1.5 hours to the pool. Thankfully ale could entertain herself whilst I sunbathed and read my book.

Parents picked girls up at 1pm and I then went down to liberty station in point loma for a small gathering for the rep I work with at the difficult account. She had just completed her MBA whilst on the job. Will be nice to get a faster response from her now she is not stretched so thin. Wine and food provided and got to chat to and know some of the local reps better too. Including one who used to be in the entertainment industry doing music and films and tv.

The wife was resting at home after hectic weekend and on my return I stopped by the local Mexican place for a celebratory take out burrito which we both devoured before zonking out infront of TV

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