Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Sunny days and Barbecues

I've been really spoilt this weekend, two barbecues in two days!

After a long day yesterday and a late night out at our friend's annual drinks party (doesn't it sound classy when you swap "ing" for an "s"), we had yet another social engagement this afternoon. Today we were off out to Penicuik as our friend was hosting a games afternoon and Barbecue.

The weather was acceptable so we ended up in the garden socialising rather than in the house playing games. I'm not complaining, there were three gorgeous moggies about. A chocolate one, a chubby little black and white one and a beast of one that could have been a wildcat except for its temperament. The wildcat ended up sat in an old oak tree. Later 5 of us joined him.

This white dove landed on the fence post and it gave me a great chance to try out the zoom lens that a friend is loaning me.

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