
By johnlorimer


I first started riding a bike in 1977, when I was seven years old. It was really the choice of transport for us kids.
My father actually picked up a thrown out bike at the refuse dump on a trip (like he did with a lot of things) and really did a great job making it look like new.
I loved that bike. It had a long seat with a tall 'sissy' bar on the back. I could comfortably take a friend for a ride on the back, and often did.
Locks didn't exist. Wherever I went, my dog would run along with me, and sit with the bike for as long as any visit took to the library or shops.

I didn't ride much once I reached driving age, and really didn't touch a bike until my late thirties again.

I have been cycle commuting for the last five years now and really do love it.

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