
By AfterDark

Ultrasonics - vs - Brain Chemistry

While sorting through my old 35mm images and negatives I come across a white envelope and found this printout of my last born son.. It is the 1st image ever taken of him.. so it has sentimental value more than Quality value..

When i looked up Ultrasound on Wikipedia it's amazing how many different uses this technology has... but one part that I found a little alarming was this extract....

[ Ultrasonics is the application of ultrasound. Ultrasound can be used for medical imaging, detection, measurement and cleaning. At higher power levels, ultrasonics is useful for changing the chemical properties of substances.]

My goodness - forgive my negative thinking here BUT What if... ?
what if the Ultrasonics one proves to be the cause of babies being born with ailments like autism and learning difficulties etc... perhaps because the ultrasound has altered the Brain Chemistry ?

I think the NHS would go Bankrupt over night.

bad dreams tonight !

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