
By analogconvert13

Zaichik. GX1, Elmar 135mm

I set off this morning to photograph a bee hive.  The bees have set up shop in a hole in the brickwork of an old building and I wanted to try and capture them coming and going from the hive entrance.  For this task I took with my 135mm Elmar lens and also one of my favorite Leitz lenses, the Telyt 280mm. It was cool today and the bees didn't seem to have much energy, so there were no Blips to be had.  The bees will have to wait until later in the summer.  This evening we went to dinner at my mother-in-law's apartment in deepest, urban Brookline.  As we were going into the building my wife noticed this wild hare sitting under the garden shrubs.  He very obligingly posed while I moved to a better position, changed lenses, focused and managed just one exposure.  Then somebody walked past on the sidewalk behind him, talking on her phone.  In the blink of an eye he was gone.  The Blip gods had smiled!  Zaichik means hare or bunny in Russian.

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