Mountain Light and Cuddle Tax.

You may wonder what the first has to do with the second bit above and The Boss says YES you may wonder. Start now.
The Boss went to a Blipmeet today and met Flying and her assistant while I stayed at home and guarded the place in case someone came past and rang the doorbell….No one did.
When The Boss came home we went out for a Blat or two and at the end of the Waterfall creek track (no waterfall see previous Blips) this image was gracing the sky so The Boss took the shot and we turned to hurry bark but on the way we were greeted enthusiastically by a group of tourists with cameras and an eye for a K9 model. None of them spoke English as The Boss tried to explain my name but a lovely lady sorta grabbed me for a cuddle while her camera toting partner employed burst mode on his fruitphone to everyones delight (I think…couldn’t understand a word). Not to be outdone I was then cuddled again while the process was repeated with another lady and another camera.
Please understand I am NOT complaining about this BUT maybe we should have a Cuddle Tax the proceeds of which could go into my cheese fund.
AND after we got bark, Flying flew in and RANG the doorbell. Good things take time but the wait was worth it.
Cuddle or Puddle...Press to check

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