The List

With six days still to go before the first of this year's Awfully Big Adventures, His Lordship has produced 'His Camping Check List' for scrutiny.

Lest I give the wrong impression, although we will mainly be camping, we will have a proper roof over our heads for 3 nights leaving 9 under canvas, and the bikes will be on the back of the car.
We have let ourselves get too soft to envisage cycle camping our way through the Hebrides and will only be contemplating day cycle runs provided it's not pouring rain or blowing a hoolie...... or the gradient is greater than 1 in 7...... which leaves out most of Harris.

We had planned to have a practice tent erection in case we had forgotten over the winter how to do it quickly and efficiently without having a public melt down involving poles, canvas, guy lines and wind. However HL remains confident that we will manage, and with the hallowed hill walk tomorrow and cycling friends expected for the Edinburgh Cycling Rally over the weekend, time has all but run out anyway.

Before some smart alec tells me that it is repellent, not repellant, HL has already been telt!

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