
Afraid of spiders I hope not as there are hundreds of the little blighters sheltering under a leaf in the garden today. This particular type is the Garden Spider or (Araneus diadematus). They are apparently very common and are one of the large orb-web spiders.

Tidying day today in the garden; there is something amiss with one of my shrubs and today I decided to cut it hard back to within a foot of the ground. Its got some sort of die back despite pruning it regularly. I left a few shoots on it and gave it a good dose of rotted horse dung/compost which hopefully will get it on the straight & narrow again. If not then ...

C is titivating around the garden cutting some shrubs into nice shapes. I have potted up a dozen geraniums with a few more to do.

Warm day with threatening clouds and just the occasional spot of rain - better day for gardening.

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