Kelpie number one

A trip along to Falkirk to have a look close up at The Kelpies for the first time. Not the best day to do it as it was grey and overcast. I had no intentions of posting another mono image but it just turned out that way because of the weather.

The Kelpies are two 30 metre high horse-head sculptures designed by Andy Scott as part of the Helix Project and these sculptures took almost nine years to become a reality. Built of structural steel with a stainless steel cladding, The Kelpies weigh 300 tonnes each. Construction began in June 2013, and was complete by October 2013. However the process of fabricating the steel was several years in the making. They are positioned either side of a specially constructed lock and basin, part of the redeveloped Kelpies Hub on the Forth and Clyde Canal.

I haven't attempted to compete with all the other images of these Kelpies that are out there, but it is worth a visit if the weather's good and, unlike us, you arrive before they close them to the public for the evening.

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