Not the best


Anyway, its the prospectus for Newton Rigg College.

I've been to Newton Rigg today for a reunion of the 1958 class (I think), not that I was in that class, no I went with dad. It was an excuse to look round the new big building they have erected.

I had a lesson in milking and the mod con ways to milk a cow, they have tags on their ankles that register electronically when the cow enters the milking parlour, from this tag they know which cow it is and how much milk she is producing each milk and if the amount drops or if she might be ill. How cool.

I also learnt that cows can be milked 3 times per day but that doesn't seem right to me, they would just be eating all day.

The next thing was the 'green bedding'. Now this i find disgusting but actually was working. The cow poo and pee goes down into the pit, it then goes through a seperater which extracts the fibre from the liquid. The fibre is undigested food. It is then heated a little to dry out, is collected and used for the cows to lie on instead of sand. This separating machine is powered by the solar panels. So 'green' all round!

The last week i have attended a course where we have the welfare of children at the centre of everything we do. Today we had the cow at the centre of everything they do and they consider what is best for the cow!

So, to summarise, my photo is not the best!

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