Ruffled Feathers.

It didn't rain today, but there was no sun about either, which made for a rather dull old day. Have you ever tried painting skirting boards with light grey paint on a dull day? 'Twas a tad monotonous.....

On the way to my son's unit, where the grey paint pot awaited me, I spotted a few pelicans beside the river, so stopped for a quick photo.

Like I said, the day was dull, so I turned my favourite photo of the day into a mono, and I like it better that way!

These two pelicans were rather cute, sitting atop the big post, preening their's a bit difficult to work out where one ends and the other begins from this angle, but I assure you, there were two separate pelicans.

More painting tomorrow. The carpet will be laid in the upstairs area on Friday, so tomorrow the rush is on to have all the painting finished, we can't have paint dripping onto the new carpet!

I have so much catching up to do when this project is finished....

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