Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Gone to the dogs

Grey today and this was the only photo I took on the camera as it rather rudely rained this afternoon. After being told it doesn't rain here outside of Nov-Feb. Seemed to catch quite a few of the locals out too.

Went for another wander this morning though and acquired two dogs for a while. There are quite a number of random cats and dogs around the place - all fine and no bother and so at first I didn't notice that the black lab-cross and white/spotted spaniel-cross had chosen me to pad alongside for a while. Very odd but they padded along for about 30 mins, not looking for food, just keeping me company. They were lovely and when I sat down at one point, thinking they'd wander off, the white one flopped down nearby and the lab came and sat on my foot, leaning against me in a way that said: "I love you. I've just met you, but I love you. And I'm just going to sit here and keep you company for a little while. Should you wish to stroke my head, or tickle my ears, that would be lovely."

Starting to worry that they'd follow me back to the hotel, I took a detour through a busier part of town and they eventually found something more interesting to investigate. Which made me relieved, but also a bit sad.

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