Mags' Moments

By MagsMoments

My buzón buddie

This little chap lives in the mail box by our front gate, which is a pretty safe place to take up residence as we don’t generally get much mail delivered (we mostly have to pop down to the post office instead). But every now and then he and I give each other a bit of a fright when I do bother to check to see if there’s any mail. The gecko gets a shock because his slumbers are rudely disturbed by the giantess that is me and I jump because I keep forgetting that he’s in there! He always scurries off, but he doesn’t go too far, hence my being able to get this blip of him a couple of feet away on the garden wall. As soon as I move on, he returns to the mail box to snooze again until his nocturnal adventures begin (lying in wait for the moths that are attracted by the light that’s set further up the wall - he doesn’t like to over-exert himself, our gecko!).

I’m really quite fond of him… when I remember he’s there!

(My apologies for neither posting any blips nor commenting on anyone else’s for the past few days. We have some very lovely and very welcome visitors staying, but with three very little ones amongst them, we find there’s an awful lot going on – all of the time! The guys are staying until Sunday, so please forgive my somewhat erratic blipping until then. I will try to fill in the blank spaces when I can…)

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