
By ajs033

Matthew's Midnight Offroad Adventure

Hello everybody.

This is Matthew, Mam and Jonathan (L-R).

Matthew had a misanter on our road in the early hours of the morning. And I thought it was the perfect oppurtunity to begin the blip. He didn't really agree, but I think he'll see the funny side in time.

I meant to start this yesterday but, as usual, I was too lazy to start it on time. This photo was taken an hour or two late for a New Year's Day entry. I have started as I will most likely go on.

At best I will upload a photo every now and again, probably few and far between. At worst this will be my first and last entry. Wish me luck.

One last thing, if you are looking for finely honed photography skills, you are in the wrong place. Come back in a few years. If my account still exists.

Thanks for looking.

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