
By trabroun

King of the Castle

Headed off to Stirling today to have a look at a rather large furniture store and get some inspiration for soft furnishings as I am about to blitz our lounge in January .
Unfortunately no inspiration occurred. A lot of "wow that's nice", "good grief look at the price" occurred. I'm not a miser but I do think that charging £239 for one cushion is a bit extreme.

We then decided to take a detour home and head off over the Ochil Trail to Dunfermline going on the back road passed Knockhill. The scenery was beautiful and blimey,they have got alot more snow than us. We found that out as we were stared to death by this sheep who was under the belief he was the king of the castle. And by the time I had taken this blip, the other car had just overtaken, spraying me with slush, leaving me to be most certainly the dirty rascal except a freezing -6'C dirty rascal.
Decided the next destination was home and aimed for the Forth Road Bridge. As did everyone else escaping from Fife, except the bridge surfaces were frozen and cars were slipping so a slow 20mph 7 mile tailback commenced, getting worse everytime it snowed. Eventually we got home. What is normally a 40 min journey took us nearly 3 hours!

Home safe and sound, fed and warm

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