Never heard of it ...

In one corner of the garden are a few trees and shrubs which escaped the builders need to flatten everything on site. It will take me a while to get round to them. I did give them a good pruning last spring but, without knowing what they were, I was never sure whether the pruning was appropriate. Other than that, they have been neglected and, in response, they have done little other than fill up the space.

Yesterday I noticed yellow flowers on one. Large, almost tropical flowers. Never seen that before.

Later on in the evening, I was watching a programme from the Chelsea Flower Show and someone mentioned Tree Peonies. Never heard of that before.

This morning I looked up tree peonies in that excellent book - garden plants for Scotland. In fact, it fell open at the page. In fact, there is a picture of the very plant - Paeonia Ludlowii.

It is described as 'exquisite'. And while I wouldn't have described it as that last year, I certainly would now. I think it can stay.

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