From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A long, hot day on Planet Earth...

Cramp in my right foot woke me at 3am! Sometimes I'm sure someone up there is having a laugh. A glass of water and a walk around the bedroom in circles for twenty minutes helped. I got back to sleep for a little while after that but woke again ten minutes before the alarm was due to go off desperate for the loo after all that water. Have I reached that age where everything hurts or gives me trouble and anything that doesn't hurt just doesn't work? Oh joy!

It was an interesting and busy day in more ways than one. Usual start to the day with my visit to Zombieland where they hadn't even got any crap music playing today. I crept out carefully with my tea not wanting to wake anyone and hurried up to the already opened door at the council house. Walking into the office, I was hit by a really weird smell. I thought 'Marvellous! I have come into a stuffy office on a hot, stuffy day and the place already smells like a gymnasium even at 7am.'

John (my current manager) arrived about five minutes later and surprised me by apologising for the smell! I had to ask him what he'd done. Apparently there had been a flood at the one end of the office in the kitchen area the night before last.

Once all the windows were open and the fans were on, the mugginess started to clear.

I'd better hurry up as I've dozed off twice while writing this!

I had my annual appraisal today which I'd forgotten all about but I have survived again so that was good. It was a day of report requests and help desk calls and I left later than normal to avoid the school kids and walk back home via the canal where today's picture was taken. I didn't wander far and zoomed in over the boggy bits to avoid falling in. At least it makes a change from birds. I have just been out to feed Eddie (the hedgehog) and he doesn't even run away now when I go out.

Go large...

Track? I heard this blaring out of a car window I passed today - The Faces - Stay With Me

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