As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Too Many Endings

My days are comical. Someone should write what happens to me down. Oh wait...

Uneventful first and second period, followed by an evacuation to the turf because of another bomb threat. The team always manages to group up during these things, so we got sunburnt and dehydrated together for an hour.

Back inside for a relatively normal day.

Westbury for Counties Day Two. The water pit steeple was broken, so the 1600 ended up running much earlier. I ran 4:40 and came in 5th, earning Wantagh a whopping two points. I mean every point counts, so I'm happy. Bouch came in 3rd, so he earned All-County honors! Yeah Bouch! Jenn, Liz, and Gabby came to watch, and I miss them very much.

Timmy will always be my bae. Running with him for the past four years has been an honor, a pleasure, and an unforgettable part of my life.

Quick ride home to shower and eat.

Straight to school to change into a tux and perform at my last (and second) band concert. I felt really gross for the first two songs, but I was fine for Canticle and Lead On. Band has made this year incredible and I will miss it more than I ever thought possible.

Friendly's with a rowdy crew before a nice chat with Alyssa as she dropped me off.

I can't believe it's over.

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