Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Practice Makes Perfect

Less tears now and more "recognizing the mistakes" as he plays. The violin lessons are going well and Tuttle Jnr is teaching us (Mr. & Mrs. Tuttle a thing or two about music!

He did a talk on a family project at school today (Grand/Great Grandparents). His choice, after much debate, was my mum, Grandma Joan. My son has never met her as she passed away at 59 before he was born. My Mum had a long battle with lung cancer. Being a caring boy he is, Tuttle Jnr often asks about her, usually out of the blue. Over the last week or so he had to be in "reporter mode", making notes about her and what made Grandma Joan so special. "Was she strict & scary?" was one of the questions, which made us all laugh!
The talk went rather well and proudly showed off the photo of her.

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