
By Cairistiona1


First, I'd like to thank everybody that commented on yesterday's blip. I was really lucky to be in the right place at the right time - and with a tripod too!

Some of you asked me about the gorilla. Well, previously I would have said I wasn't a huge fan; the joints are stiff and it is quite difficult to man handle into the right position. However, it got me the shot and to that end I was glad to have it. There was no way I was carting the 30 year old one on that walk!

There hasn't been any wow factor to the weather today; it's mostly grey and there's a thaw on. (It's probably just as well though, as everywhere seems to be running out of grit). So, I decided I'd stick with the HDR, but try something a little different. I know you are not meant to use this technique if the subject is moving, but I also thought that it might be interesting to see what it did to the high contrast light you get from a flame.

So, I took five bracketed shots of this oil lamp some friends gave me. Apart from a bit of pixelation around the flame, I think it worked reasonable well. Thanks to the gang from Carnoustie another blip crisis has been averted (and my room smells wonderful into the bargain)!

Other news - the man discovered that it was not a good idea to leave the bathroom skylight wide open when a sparrow and a chaffinch joined him in the shower. Boy do I wish I had been there to blip that one!

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