
By middaypyjamas

Against the Dark

Today was a day off for me. For the past three weeks I’ve been required to either go to uni or work for every day except Thursdays. Granted sometimes that means only going into work for three hours but that’s still not the same as a full day with nothing on your schedule, and the freedom to potentially never get out of your pyjamas. Because of this my Thursdays have been generally relaxing days where nothing is required of me and where I don’t require anything from myself. Exercise, homework, housework can all wait for another day of the week.

It’s funny though, and I’ve talked about this with Jonathan a lot, as soon as you give yourself the freedom not to do those things, doing them doesn’t seem so bad. So after a morning of relaxing, TV watching, and reading I ended up cleaning the shower. I was going to have a shower anyone, it was just one slight deviation from my relaxing day off. This led to me cleaning the kitchen, which lead to me doing a load of washing. Then it was straight back to relaxing, no more distractions! Except I was starting to feel a little antsy, I’ll just do a couple of exercises, and I did. But that’s it! No more. Well until the afternoon rolled around and I decided to at least look at some of the homework I had to do. 5 hours later I was closing my laptop and had half of my movie treatment written.

Day’s off are tiring.

- Damian

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