LL Cool Jim

By LLCoolJim

Thatcher's Van

I've noticed that various Sunday T attendees - this one and this one don't have any entries for Monday. Ditto...;0).
I tried to sneak one in with an explanation but blip HQ were havin' none of it.

Anyway - at T my camera was in my knee pocket. All day my knee was knocking it and now the screen is goosed.....and it was set to black n' white. I managed, with the help of the manual, to navigate blindly by a series of presss on the "set" button to get the colour back.

Here is the 1st blip ever using the viewfinder on my piece of shit camera. New one soon I hope.

It's the summer pest (grumble grumble).
The wee man was out with his pals and he knows the rules of where it's ok to hang out. I know this is only 50 yards away but he ran off with his pals (and nae money) over the road to the ice-cream van.

"In ye come son".

Tears followed by a gentle explanation as to why that's not ok. You need money for a start.

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