
By FredaH

A Better Day:

Yesterday wasn't exactly the best of days, my GP arranging my immediate admission; the foundation doctor doing a scan; the registrar not detecting a pulse, referring me for an MRI scan and arranging a heparin overnight infusion; being seen by the vascular surgeon and then, last thing last night, hearing I would be having surgery this morning.

Now, I wasn't terribly happy about my daughter being unaware that I would be undergoing surgery so the patient in the next bed obligingly phoned cc.

At 8.30 this morning the surgeon considered that, in spite of the pain, there was a slight improvement in my hand as he could detect a faint pulse, he felt the op could be postponed - "it could always be done tomorrow".

So back on the heparin pump for today.

It was lovely to see my granddaughter, katkatkat, who has been given compassionate leave to be able to come visiting with cc.

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