RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Music Man

We spent a last night dinner with our good friends from Regina, the last of the last of the visitors this season. It was a delightful meal with great company and lots of laughter. As usual, there were many vendors plying their wares and as usual we politely said no to each as they came by our table. A group of musicians at the end of dinner, however, broke down our resolve. It might have been the two bottles of wine or it might have been that they had played for our friends before (and exchanged emails with them), but we told them to go ahead and play a song. One beautiful song turned into three, led by this gentleman, Leo, on the guitar and pan flute. By the time we left the restaurant, we too had Leo's email and promises to hear him again in the future.

Off to Acapulco in the morning for a weekend volleyball tournament. Hope the two teams I coach play up to their potential.

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