
So here it is, today, my little girl wakes up and she is three years old. That means that three whole years have passed where she has changed from a brand new babe to a little girl who chats, and boy can she do that!

Time sneaks right up on us and before you know it things that were in front of us are well and truly behind us. We then try and treasure the moments yet life with all it's urgent necessity screams for attention leaving little time for true reflection. It's a circle well worth breaking because our past is full of beauty that will truly enrich our today.

And so Flora now begins her journey as a little girl. I do think 3 is the age this starts. I aim to treasure each day. In her life do far she has brought such beauty into my life, such enormous joy that I didn't even know I was missing! She has done the same for many others too. She is a blessing, a gift, a song of the divine.

As for her mother, well I see her lost in her daughter so much that the beauty of this hurts and stings my eyes with tears. There is no greater love.

This day then CC & I celebrate our precious girl.


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