
By TynvdB

Cheeriohey, the freedom fighters of today

Every day the tide is shifting forward with more than an hour. Until today the crossing of the laguna onto the Zandmotor-peninsula in the beginning of the afternoon has been relatively easy. But maybe tomorrow crossing after lunchtime will be too close to high tide. We’ll see then. As for now I passed a wonderful afternoon at the seaside. Yesterday’s ambiguous weatherconditions were washed out by the sea and driven away by the winds.

It felt like an extra gift to walk and bath and wander my ways around the sandy desert.I had spend the morning to repair the (build in)cistern of the watercloset. It had been years ago I had done that with an now outdated model and I feared not to find my way into this “whitebox”. But in the end after some trials and errors the whole thing works again well. So I had this high five-feeling of having done that heavy job as I was wading through the strong streaming lagunawaters.

Once you set foot on the Zandmotor you get this feeling of entering a different world. It’s like crossing a river to reach the border of a foreign country. Or like Odysseus landing on an unknown island. Still not knowing whom he was going to meet there: Kalypso? A Lotuseater or a Kyklops? Or finally his Ithaka. Of course here we get ashore on an artificial peninsula in that small Northsea. No far away island in the deepblue waters of the Aegaeian Sea. And of course this feeling will not work on a sunny weekend in high season when beachvisitors and bathers are everywhere. I’m just telling my story of today.

And I bring you just this one photo symbolizing my joy in meeting again with my cheerful red legged friends: the Terns as they were gathering near the surf, singing their fishing song and deliberating which way to follow along the rolling splashing surf waves: North or South. There were three in favour of heading to the North, three definitely wanted to search for the higher waves in the South. And The Majority - as you can see - really didn’t bother which way to go. As long as it went back to sea and there we will follow the wind and the waves until they bring us the fish.

Cheeriohey, here we stay

just to play as we are the

Champions of Holy Acrobatics

the Divers, High Speed Masters

Red legged Swallows of the Sea.

Doyousee, cheeriohey! We

Praise the Freedom Fighters

of this Sunny Fishing Day.

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