Life thru a blippin' lens

By James

Camel for G

This heat is really taking it out of us... we're up early most days (around 9ish) and by the time 10:30-11pm comes, we're nearly dropping on our feet so we've not really been out much at night.

Today we went on our quad biking trip through the desert. We were expecting a big group to go, but it was only me, Shaun and the guide. I really enjoyed this trip. We were told that people actually lived out here in the desert and that we would get to meet them. These were the same "locals" that had big fridges and freezers in their little shacks in the middle of no where - locals, yeah right, the whole thing was staged for tourists, but never mind, it added to the experience!

We stopped off for some water and met these so called "locals" who tried to sell us all their junk and they were so unbelievably pushy. Don't get me wrong they were really nice people, very friendly indeed and after 15 minutes of "Sorry, no thanks, I'm not interested" they soon took the hint and let you be.

They asked if we wanted a go on their camel, so of course I jumped at the chance. After all G had been going on at me before I left about getting a photo with a camel, so this was the perfect photo opportunity, especially when we were all wrapped up with the scarf thing to keep the dirt out of our eyes whilst on the quads.

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