
By portobelloman

2001 : A collection of one.

I have a very large collection of movies on DVD, but I have decided to feature only one.
This is a cell from a new 35mm reduction interpositive manufactured directly from the 65mm Super Panavision original camera negative from the legendary director Stanley Kubrick's film 2001: a space odyssey (1968-MGM).
There are many better films than 2001, and it could be argued that the film is so dilberately obscure that it alienated the mass audience it should have had, but when I saw it at the tender age of 11 on the big screen it blew my mind.
When in 1964 Kubrick approached the Science fiction writer Arthur C Clarke to use his short story The Sentinel", it resulted in a 4 year collaberation, first writing a complete novel, then working both on the screenplay.
Clarke wrote about his experience with Kubrick (Beyond 2001), and recounted a story that would test friendship and artistic integrity to it's very limit.
The result in my opinion has a sweep of imagination and scientific credibility, together with pure cinematic majesty, never again attempted.

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