such, such were the joys.

By Chaps100

Sewing with Asterix.

Ok so I haven't really Blipped in a while and I feel relatively guilty - but I have had exams, so I think that's rather a good excuse. As of yesterday, five out of eleven are complete - and in general, I'm rather happy with the way they've gone. Although they were only easy ones compared with what's coming after half term. I do have a week to prepare and they're quite spread out, which is a slight relief.

I'm going to try in a few of the blanks over the past three weeks because I have been taking a few shots, but I never got around to posting them - rather a lot has happened aswell, which was exciting, but does mean that I've got a lot to catch up on.

It feels so weird not having to do anything - and I know it's only one day off, but there is seriously nothing that I have to do today. Not even revision. I went swimming with my Mum earlier which was nice, and the water wasn't cold, which is definitely an added bonus. But I decided to start on making my passport cover with the sewing machine that I bought a few weeks ago (this is where I should be able to put a link back to the photo, but I haven't uploaded it bear with). She's a beauty. The panel that I want for the cover is right in the middle of the fabric, so I can't quite bring myself to start cutting it up. I suppose I'll have to do it some time though so I think my tactics will just have to be to hope for the best - please wish me luck.

It's good to be back.

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