2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

First damselflies

Landed early this morning after a reasonable flight. It took over an hour for us to get off the plane as it had been sent to a remote bit of the terminal. We had to wait for buses to ferry us past the crates of food and laundry on the service part of the airport.

The long delay did mean that my case was already waiting for me once I'd cleared immigration and I was able to pick up a bus back home very quickly. Son number two helped me trundle my suitcase up the last part of the street and I had a quiet cup of coffee while I waited for husband to make it back from a 10K race.

This pair of damselflies (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) came in through the kitchen door while I was waiting and I found them by the pond later with the female laying her eggs. Nice to think that there will be another generation next spring.

Enjoyed the warm sun in the garden in the afternoon and did doze off despite my best intentions to stay awake in an attempt to beat the jet lag.

We went for a drink at the local pub and remembered why we don't go there when two local lads relieved themselves behind their cars in the car park rather than bothering to use the facilities in the pub. Drink was nice though in the sun with 6 red kites wheeling overhead.

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