Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Today is my sister's last day in Cumbria, so I took her to Castlerigg Stone Circle where parking is so easy and you can do a great circular walk for a couple of hours. The walk is a favourite of mine but haven't been able to do it for a while as it was too far for Bonnie. There are numerous stiles in the walls and after scratching her head and pondering for a while Madam Misty eventually got the hang of how to get through the wall stiles, she did really well. Here she is.

Today's blip taken on the walk is of St John's in the Vale, looks good in large.

Talking of Madam Misty, she chewed my laptop cable on Wednesday overnight so haven't been able to use the laptop as not a lot of power in it. I usually put it away but was so tired after a very long day in the fells I forgot, so an expensive mistake!! New cable arrived today, woo hoo! A couple of back blips to follow and hope to catch up with comments tomorrow :)

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