Culinary Hike

"Culinary hike around fruit trees, asparagus and wine" (Kulinarische Wanderung um Obst, Spargel und Wein) in Erpolzheim in the Anterior Palatinate, close to the German Wine Route (I'm from the Western Palatinate - huge difference!).

6,5 km hike with 18 possible stopps to eat asparagus dishes, drink wine and enjoy the landscape: asparagus fields, fruit trees and the vineyards (we stopped only 5 times, because we ran out of time - first stopp lasted 2 hours...).

It was my first culinary hike and it was great! We went by train, but I was the driver to the train station - therefore this time only one delicious glass of wine very early for me. Will be repeated.

22:20 CEST 16,2°C

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