
We had a late night out at friends in the village so the start this morning was correspondingly slow.

In the end Caley had quite a good day of walks though they were spread out over several outings.

My parent’s broadband service provider has created a problem with their email and a two month block of email messages appear to have gone missing. They actually sent a vague and intimidating (for none IT folk) email saying they had archived (and may possibly delete them) following a period of email inactivity. “Just go to the member area, log in, and create a ticket about it and we will get back to you”
I spoke to three different people in Yorkshire and they all said they had no record of the actions threatened in the email. They didn’t even have a record of sending the email.
It wasn’t making any sense. In the end I went down to see my parent’s computer and a big chunk of email does indeed appear to be missing. It was far from straight forward but I did then raise a ticket.

Anyway, to some technology that does work amazingly well. I am slowly getting accustomed to this new lens. It is heavy, very long and even at small apertures has a depth of field of about 6 inches at 50 yards. This none Nikon lens is not without its critics but I am very impressed. I don’t know if the pace conveys particularly well here but Caley was approaching me like a high speed train. Unlike the very expensive pro bodies the focus struggles to catch up between quick successive exposures but I am very happy with it.

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