Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

What? No cookies?

The birds in the garden have been going bananas for the grub I am leaving out for them - including my Christmas cookies. I made cookies (I even used Christmas shaped cutters....) , ready for icing with decorations (even bought the stupid Christmas glitter balls). I just didn't get around to doing it in time for Christmas. (Don't you just hate people like Jane Asher who make preparing for Christmas look so easy??) (I promise that this is the last bracket sentence I shall use).

When I got up this morning, every one of my snowflake, Christmas tree and angel-shaped cookies was gone, and this poor thrush looked forlorn as a result; at least, I like to think so.

More snow and ice today; and I thought we had a thaw on the way. The thaw will be timed exactly for Monday morning when the schools go back.

Anyone want to bet?

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