The Rice Bowl

By MountainJoe

beware the pusher

I glanced over at the NYT while waiting for my soy chai at a Starbuck's this morning and noted this article title. It got me thinking - I see so many people use spending as a means of feeling good - or at the very least as a means of ignoring (if only momentarily) those things which they don't want to face or don't like to.

Consumerism has reached the status of addiction for many and although it wasn't the root cause of our current economic woes, it certainly was a major driving force behind it.

And if spending is an addiction, then the credit card companies are the 'drug pushers' - and it seems they are going to keep bleeding their customers as much as they can even if they try and do the right thing by using a debit card rather than a credit card...

Taken with a Zeiss 50mm f1.4 lens on my GF1 - shot at f2.

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