He is Here/Breastfeeding Battle

This was taken by my son-in-law in the early hours - I might post another later, but so moved by all your interest and support that thought I'd post even before going into hospital this afternoon to see him.

Zion Samuel, 7lb 4oz, born about 3am by very emergency C-section, and still on neonatal ward, but we think he's OK.

Thankfully, they have at last let my daughter go see him and try to breastfeed. Makes my blood boil the way there are posters everywhere extolling the benefits of breastfeeding, and then they don't let it happen. She is trying, but he is uncomfortable with all the tubes, and she feels so under pressure that it's difficult to relax, and if there is an essential precondition for successful feeding it's to relax - as they've told her she can't have him with her unless he has a good feed! No wonder Britain has one of or the lowest rate of breastfeeding in Europe, and for most countries, actually.

Sorry about another rant.

UPDATE: Got advice from a paediatrician friend, and firmly insisted he went up on the ward with her - they eventually agreed, and surprise, surprise, he has now had a good feed, and we are hoping this will convince them to let him stay with her. Got the cutest photos, but will let this one stand - as it's the first of him. He does look better with clothes on and without all the tubes.

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