Today there were two rare birds reported, neither of which we had seen before. One was 39 miles north and the other 40 miles south. We chose the northerly Broad-billed Sandpiper at Nosterfield and though distant and small, we did get to see it.

But I could tell what was going to happen if we did not see the southerly bird today. We would be off birding again tomorrow and I would never get my blips on. G needed no persuasion and we turned south.

A plodding struggle along a very muddy path round the reservoir and we arrived at the Little Bittern twitch. He was well worth the plod. What a gorgeous bird. We continued round the reservoir and took the easier path back to the car.

A good day out, and 2 life ticks.

My photos of both birds are desperately poor, so here is a snail in the boat house letter box instead.

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