
I am now getting quite sick of trudging through this bloody snow. And just when you think there can't be any more, well a snow blizzard started. just when I was struggling with bags and bags of shopping (I'm expecting company!) on the doorstep and trying to locate my keys. I nearly got bowled over by a stumpless tree. Without it's stump it was charging up and doon the street in the howling gale. I believe it's going to get worse on Thursday. Oh joy!

Now someone in blipland will know about feeding birds. I've jettisoned bread from the freezer to make way for more food (I'm expecting company). Should I just chuck it out in the garden to feed all the poor wee birds (except pigeons and seagulls) that can't find any kebabs because of the snow?

Today's chat at work was of bonspeils and a Scottish lake.

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